Дебатна Академія »
Debate Educational Weekend (May DEW)

Dear friends!
On behalf of All-Ukrainian Youth NGO “Debate Academy” we’d like to invite you to our unique annual debating event – the May Debate Educational Weekend (May DEW) that will take place on 23-24 of May.
Language: English
Location: Kyiv National Economic University
Format of the event: lectures & trainings + really special socials ;)
Participants cap: 40 persons
Registration fee: 30UAH for member and 60UAH from non-members of UYNGO “Debate Academy”. The fee covers coffee-brake, handouts for participants and organizing expenses.
During the weekend the participants will have a unique opportunity to attend master-classes of:
• Kira Shymanska – Head of International Affairs Department, one of the most experienced Ukrainian debaters on international arena, participant of a numbef of international tournaments, well-known and beloved by most debaters :)
• Olga Demyanets – octo-finalist of Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, lawyer of an international law company
• several secret experts in field of debating, rhetoric, international law, politics.
Registration will be open till May, 20.
To register fill the
Registration Form
The Organizing Committee has the right of selecting participants according to their debating experience for the event is oriented at experienced debaters.
We would like you to note, that non-Kyivite participants are NOT provided with lodging, yet the Organizing Committee will try best to solve the issue.
With best wishes,
Nazariy Boyarskiy,
President of Kyiv Department of UYNGO “Debate Academy”
Kira Shymanska,
Head of May DEW Organizing Committee